Arcanum: Matter
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Durability
Suggested Rote Skills: Craft, Expression, Persuasion

Liquids, gases, and amorphous solids are the mage’s playthings with this spell.

She can shape them into any form she desires, manipulating them in defiance of gravity, for as long as the spell lasts.
This spell cannot change the state of matter (e.g. from solid to liquid), but substances that have been temporarily transformed into shapeable states by magic may be affected.

Particularly intricate shapes may require a reflexive Wits + Crafts roll, at the Storyteller’s discretion.

+1 Reach: The mage can alter the shape of solid substances as well. If used to warp a tool or weapon, each point of Potency reduces the subject’s equipment bonus or damage by –1. If the equipment bonus or damage is reduced to 0, the object is useless.

+1 Reach: If the mage is creating or repairing an object using this spell, reduce the number of successes required on the Extended Action by one per point of Potency. This can’t reduce the number of required successes below one.

+2 Reach: The mage can create an appropriate Environmental Tilt, such as Earthquake, Flooded, or Heavy Winds.