Characters need time to heal once they’ve been beaten to a pulp. Mages can speed healing times, and even close wounds with a single spell given enough mastery of the Arcana, but absent any supernatural effects recovery takes time.

A human character heals her rightmost Health box at the rate below. The healing time is enough for the wound to fully recover — lethal damage doesn’t “downgrade” into bashing.
Normally, a character can heal without medical attention, though use of the Medicine Skill will doubtless help her recover. The only exception is if a human character has all her Health boxes full of lethal damage — she’s bleeding out.
She can’t recover from that without urgent medical attention and emergency surgery.

Wounds recover at the following rates:

  • Bashing: One point per 15 minutes.
  • Lethal: One point per two days.
  • Aggravated: One point per week.