Arcanum: Space
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Larceny, Persuasion, Science

By means of this spell, the mage transforms her subject’s current location, effectively moving it from point to point without crossing the intervening space.

She can, for example, summon a subject to her from anywhere in the world, banish someone to the outer reaches of Siberia, or teleport herself.

By default, the subject’s current location and destination must both be within sensory range, but the mage may employ the Sympathetic Range Attainment on one of them.

+1 Reach: The mage can “swap” the location of two subjects with no more than one point of Size difference.

+2 Reach: The mage can now cast the spell with two separate Sympathetic Ranges, teleporting subjects without being present for either end of the journey. The spell is Withstood by the worse Sympathetic link.

Add Death ••, Sprit ••, etc: By adding •• in an Arcanum whose purview includes another realm of existence (e.g. The Underworld or The Shadow), the mage may move things from that realm into the physical world, or vice versa.