A character’s Virtue is her higher calling, the personality trait that represents who she is when she is being her best. Behaving in accordance with Virtue gives a character a sense of satisfaction and re-affirms her sense of self. Acting on a Virtue requires effort and is often difficult.


(From the book)

Competitive - Your character always pushes herself to excel and be the best at whatever she does. It’s not about defeating others, but about the rush she gets from honest competition, and the thrill of knowing that she pushed herself further and faster to stay ahead of her rivals. Regain Willpower when your character honestly competes with someone who outclasses them, for stakes that she will feel if she loses.

Generous - Your character feels at his best when giving to others. He may give to charity or simply lend items to friends with no questions asked. A generous character may be taken advantage of sometimes, but he isn’t in it for thanks or hope of repayment. He gives because other people need. Regain Willpower when your character is deprived of an important resource or put at risk because of his Generous nature.

Just - A Just character is driven by a sense of fairness and justice. She wants everyone to get what they deserve, and will stick her neck out to make sure it happens. Regain Willpower when the character sets her own goals aside in order to make certain that justice is done

Loyal - Loyalty to a person or a group is your character’s guide. This group could be other PCs, a company, a mentor or family member, their country, or any other group that makes sense. The character is not necessarily foolish or blind to the flaws of their chosen group. Regain Willpower when refusing to act against the group’s interests puts him at risk.