Something’s on your character’s mind and she just can’t shake it.

Persistent Condition
Resolution: Regain a soul.
Beat: You lose Wisdom or Integrity because you indulged your Vice.

The character is in the first stage of soul loss. Without a soul, she is more susceptible to possession — any dice pools to resist being taken over or possessed by another entity are at a –2 die penalty.

The effects on Wisdom and Willpower, though, are more severe.
For as long as she has this Condition, she does not regain Willpower through surrender or rest, and her use of Virtue and Vice is reversed. She may regain one Willpower point per scene by fulfilling her Virtue without having to risk herself, and regains full Willpower once per chapter by fulfilling her Vice in a way that poses a threat to herself.

Regaining Willpower through Vice, though, is now a Breaking Point against Integrity with a –5 penalty unless the character has reached Integrity 1, or an Act of Hubris (roll 1 die) unless she has reached Wisdom 1 for mages.