Conditions are minor dramatic effects that occur in the scope of gameplay and the story. They influence the rules in various ways, often adding or removing dice from a pool.

Every Condition has a Resolution term. When that thing occurs in the game (often at your choice as a player), the Condition goes away, and you take a Beat.

Some Conditions are Persistent, which is to say that they last longer than normal Conditions, and offer multiple Beats. These Conditions have a “Beat” entry in their descriptions. When that thing happens, no more than once per Chapter, take a Beat.

Any time a scene calls for a Condition, the Storyteller can impose one. As well, any time a character achieves exceptional success or dramatic failure on an action, a Condition will occur. Exceptional success gives a positive Condition of the player’s choosing, and dramatic failure will give a negative Condition of the Storyteller’s choosing.