Arcanum: Death
Practice: Unmaking
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Occult, Medicine, Subterfuge

The mage is able to reverse the effects of entropy on her subject, even returning the dead back to life.

The mage reverses the effects of decay, restoring the subject to its physical state of being from before up to one month per Potency of the spell.

On a living subject, the spell can restore eyesight, the use of limbs, reversing irreparable damage, and restoring all bodily functions.
On inanimate subjects the spell can restore time-ravaged photos, make old books pristine, or return old electronics to working order.

+1 Reach: The mage may return the recently dead to life. No matter how long the subject has been dead, minutes or hours, the person’s soul has already moved on, and the subject immediately suffers soul loss.
When the spell’s Duration ends, the subject dies again.