Arcanum: Space
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Expression, Science, Survival

Volume is a product of dimension, and dimension is merely an expression of distance in three dimensions. This spell allows the mage to manipulate those axes, making a space much larger or smaller than should be possible.

A cramped studio apartment can become a spacious loft, or a town square can be made the size of a closet.
Subjects crushed by a shrinking space too small for them take lethal damage equal to the spell’s Potency and are forcibly ejected from the space.

The Scale spell factor must encompass the area as it exists before the spell acts.
The subject space’s volume is increased or decreased a number of steps along the Area Scale factor table equal to the spell’s Potency.
Anyone or anything within the expanded space when the spell runs out simply appears outside the original, unaltered space.