Arcanum: Prime
Practice: Compelling
Primary Factor: Potency
Cost: 1 Mana
Withstand: Total Arcanum dots of all Arcana used in the spell being scribed
Suggested Rote Skills: Crafts, Expression, Occult

By means of this spell, the mage gives physical form to the mudras of a particular Rote, creating a Grimoire.

This spell has two slightly different, albeit related, applications: The mage may either inscribe a Rote she knows, or she may copy a Rote from another Grimoire she has on hand.

Only a single Rote can be inscribed per casting of this spell, but a given Grimoire may hold multiple Rotes at a time:
A large book can hold anywhere from 10–15 Rotes, while a fist-sized carved stone might only hold one or two, and a computer database could hold a theoretically unlimited number.

When the spell’s Duration expires, the inscribed Rotes fade and cannot be recovered.

+1 Reach: For one point of Mana, the spell’s Duration is Lasting.