Cost: • to •••••

  • None

Your character has extensive training in a particular profession, which offers distinct advantages in a handful of fields.

When choosing this Merit, define a Profession for your character and choose two Skills to be Asset Skills, which the advantages of the Merit will affect.

Networking (•)

At the first level of Professional Training, your character builds connections within her chosen field. Take two dots of Contacts relating to that field.

Continuing Education (••)

With repeated efforts in her field of choice, your character tends toward greater successes. When making a roll with her Asset Skills, she benefits from the 9-Again quality.

Breadth of Knowledge (•••)

Due to advancement in her field, she’s picked up a number of particular bits of information and skill unique to her work. Choose a third Asset Skill and take two Specialties in your character’s Asset Skills.

On the Job Training (••••)

With the resources at her disposal, your character has access to extensive educational tools and mentorship available. Take a Skill dot in an Asset Skill. Whenever you purchase a new Asset Skill dot, take a Beat.

The Routine (•••••)

With such extensive experience in her field, her Asset Skills have been honed to a fine edge and she’s almost guaranteed at least a marginal success. Before rolling, spend a Willpower point to apply the rote action quality to an Asset Skill. This allows you to reroll all the failed dice on the first roll.