Arcanum: Fate
Practice: Unmaking
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Composure
Suggested Rote Skills: Investigation, Medicine, Politics

One of the most terrifying curses in the arsenal of a Master of Fate, this spell turns the world against the victim.

Anyone who encounters the subject instinctively feels uncomfortable around him, intuitively sensing the curse. Most people treat him indifferently at best — if not with open hostility. If the subject is using the Social manoeuvring system, the impression level drops by one (from good to average, for instance). If not, the subject takes a penalty equal to Potency to any Social actions to persuade others to aid him or treat him with kindness.

Any actions aimed at helping the subject or offering aid suffer the effects of a Hex. This includes everything from an attempt to lift the curse to providing the subject with directions to the nearest bus stop.

Any actions aimed at harming the subject enjoy the effects of a Boon. This includes all forms of harm — from outright murder, to theft, to lies that cause the subject inconvenience.

The caster must account for anyReach involved in the Boon and Hex separately.

+1 Reach: The mage can adjust the sensitivity of the curse. She could bless only attempts to injure the subject but not to murder him, for example.