Arcanum: Life
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Composure
Suggested Rote Skills: Animal Ken, Intimidation, Persuasion

For all their intellectual powers, humans are animals, too, and animals are governed by instincts.

An Apprentice of Life can control these instinctual responses like a puppeteer pulling strings.
In so doing she can make any animal or plant behave in any fashion natural to its type.
She need not do so in the presence of circumstances that would provoke such behaviour normally

A raging bear can be made to flee by manipulating its fight-or-flight response, a fish to leap, a rat to feast on something, or a snake made to secrete venom from its fangs, even in the absence of prey.
A human may be made tired, hungry, or pumped with adrenaline.

This spell works on any mundane life-form the mage can perceive.
Humans with Supernatural Merits count as “mundane” enough for this spell to affect them.

Subjects suffer a Condition appropriate to the desired instinctive response.
Use the guidelines for creating a Condition in the section on Creative Thaumaturgy.

+1 Reach: Control Instincts can affect living supernatural creatures.