Arcanum: Life
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Stamina
Suggested Rote Skills: Animal Ken, Athletics, Science

The mage (or her subject) can fully take on the form of another creature. While the spell can greatly transform its subject’s Size, changing into much larger forms is difficult.

The Scale factor of the spell must cover the larger of the Size traits, before and after the transformation.

The subject’s clothes and gear do not change, and she must also contend with powerful instincts in the animal form.

When confronted by circumstances that would trigger a strong instinctive response, such as a male lion’s need to kill all competitors’ cubs, or if the subject is hungry in bear form and faced with a prey animal, she must roll Composure + Resolve reflexively to avoid acting on these impulses.
Failure means that she gives in to the primal urges until they’re satisfied.

Mages add Gnosis to this roll, and other supernatural beings add their own Tolerance Traits.

Add Matter ••••: The subject’s gear changes to fit her new form.

+1Reach (with Matter ••••): The subject’s gear becomes part of her new form, taking on appearance as odd scars, fur, or scales.

+1 Reach: The subject takes on a swarm form and maintains control of hundreds or thousands of tiny creatures.

+1 Reach: The subject retains full control of her reason and doesn’t have to fight instinctive urges.