Just as a language must have words to describe itself, so too must the Supernal have an Arcanum that defines it. Prime, the subtle Arcanum that rules the Aether, is that Arcanum.

General Description

Its purview is the manipulation of magic itself: Mana and tass, the Nimbus and Hallows, High Speech and the runes of the ancient masters. Through Prime, a mage becomes attuned to the Supernal Truth, capable of piercing illusions and calling forth perfected images of the symbol-beings of the Aether.

Arrogant Obrimos sometimes claim that this makes Prime the greatest of the Arcana, but that is an oversimplification. Prime is the Arcanum through which the Supernal knows itself, but without the other Arcana, it is as empty as a language whose only vocabulary is parts of speech.


Spell List

Initiate (1 Dot Arcana)

Apprentice (2 Dot Arcana)

Disciple (3 Dot Arcana)

Adept (4 Dot Arcana)

Master (5 Dot Arcana)