Arcanum: Prime
Practice: Weaving
Primary Factor: Potency
Cost: 1+ Mana
Suggested Rote Skills: Academics, Crafts, Expression

The mage may pattern Mana into behaving as it does within tass, creating a magical object formed of pure Mana.

The object must be a simple object or tool (swords and gemstones are allowable, guns and cars are not).

It is obviously magical to onlookers, has a default Durability of 1 and consists of one point of Mana (which the mage must pay as part of the casting).
Potency may be allocated to the following effects:

  • Increase Durability by +1
  • Increase Mana capacity by +1 (the mage may fill this Mana capacity by spending Mana as part of the casting or leave the object partially empty)
  • If the object can be used as a tool or weapon, add +1 equipment bonus or weapon damage. Each action using the construct as a tool or weapon uses up 1 Mana from its supply

When all Mana is withdrawn from the object, it crumbles to nothing. A mage may “refill” it with the Channel Mana spell or similar effects.
When the spell’s Duration runs out, any unused Mana sublimates back into the world and is lost.

Add Forces •••: The object is not obviously magical.

+1 Reach: If the object is a tool, it is a perfected ideal of that tool. It grants 8-Again.

+2 Reach: The Mana construct can be a complex device.