The Long-Term Nimbus is a series of subtle coincidences that surrounds a mage

These are purely story-based effects, bits of strangeness that align with your character’s Path.
For example, around Thyrsus, spirits are more likely to show up, strange pathogens might infect people, and likewise terminal diseases can vanish.
Moros bring ghastly hauntings, decay, rust, and mechanical breakdowns.
Obrimos cause religious revelation, extreme weather swings, or blackouts.
Acanthus cause strange luck, lost memories to rise up, or visions of possible fates.
Mastigos cause people’s fears to well up, and sometimes they see their internal devils.

It’s important to note that the Long-Term Nimbus is not a controllable force; it’s just a matter of strange, fractal geometry in the universe. Patterns converge around your character. However, a character’s Gnosis determines its general Potency.

While subtle at first, it can become truly obvious at six or more dots of Gnosis. Wisdom determines the range of the Nimbus’ effects, as it spreads along your character’s sympathetic ties (p. 173). At the Enlightened Wisdom tier, your character’s Nimbus is left on Strong connections. At Understanding level, Medium connections. At Falling level, on even Weak connections.