The mage can utilize different techniques to get more out of her base spell after she determines the spell effects and the level of each Arcanum involved.

Most changes affect the dice pool as either bonus or penalty dice, but other, more profound effects require the mage to risk incurring a Paradox byReaching.

Mages canReach to move from a Standard to an Advanced spell factor chart, or create specialized effects in certain spells such as increasing damage type on attack spells. Each time sheReaches, she adds dice to the Paradox dice pool based on her Gnosis.

A character receives a freeReach — which does not add Paradox dice — per dot of her highest-rated Arcanum that meets or exceeds the spell’s requirement.
For example a mage with four dots of the Mind Arcanum gains two freeReaches when casting a spell that requires Mind 3.

CommonReach Effects

Most spells listReach effects, and several Attainments that modify spellcasting requireReach to use. In addition to these, oneReach may:

  • Move the spell from Ritual to Instant Casting Time
  • Change the primary spell factor
  • Move the spell from Standard to Advanced Potency
  • Move the spell from Standard to Advanced Duration
  • If at Advanced Duration, allow the spell to reach indefinite Duration (cost: 1 Mana)
  • Move the spell from touch/self to sensory range
  • If at sensory range, allow the mage to cast on a subject she is viewing remotely
  • Move the spell from Standard to Advanced Scale
  • Cast a spell when the mage has no Spell Control slots remaining (costs an extraReach per spell already over)