Arcanum: Spirit
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Rank
Suggested Rote Skills: Crafts, Occult, Persuasion

A vanquished foe can be a useful tool. This spell allows the mage to bind a hibernating spirit into a fetish, a kind of magical item.

Fetishes work like an Imbued Items, save that a fetish is powered by Essence and, instead of holding a Supernal spell, it holds one of the bound spirit’s Influences and, possibly, some of its Numina.

Creating a fetish requires that the spell have one Potency per dot of Influence the object will possess, plus one Potency per Numen.
A fetish doesn’t have to host all of the spirit’s abilities.
Activating the powers within the fetish is an Instant Action and uses the spirit’s dice pool.

The fetish has its slumbering spirit’s Essence pool and can recharge Essence in a Resonant location just like a hibernating spirit, or it can receive Essence from another spirit or via Channel Essence or similar magic.
The fetish’s user can pay Essence out of the fetish’s pool to power its abilities. If the bound spirit ever acquires Essence equal to its Corpus, however, the spell ends immediately.

The mage may also create a much simpler fetish that hosts no spirit, but can hold Essence. Such a fetish holds 10 Essence, plus a number of Essence equal to the spell’s Potency.

Triggering the bound spirit’s Ban or Bane immediately destroys the fetish.