Arcanum: Time
Practice: Weaving
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Athletics, Investigation, Persuasion

We are all the sum of our previous selves, and with this spell a mage can call those afterimages forth.

Cast upon an object, area, or living being, this spell replaces its subject with an earlier version of itself, chosen by the caster.

Without the Temporal Sympathy Attainment, only Unchanged pasts may be brought to the present, but this is still sufficient to remove most Conditions and heal injuries.
By employing Temporal Sympathy, the mage can restore ancient ruins to their inhabited state, recapture her youth, or return her enemies to childhood.

When the spell’s Duration ends, the subject immediately returns to its present self. Injuries, Conditions, and other effects imposed on the subject while Temporal Summoning is in effect transfer to the present version of the subject when it returns.

The spell does have limits, however; it cannot bring the dead back to life or undo transformation into supernatural beings, though it still changes the subject physically - a vampire returned to “childhood” becomes a vampiric child, and a corpse stripped of decades becomes a younger-looking corpse with no cause of death.