Arcanum: Space
Practice: Fraying
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Athletics, Firearms, Science

Where lesser spells merely distort the Lie that all things are separate, this spell attacks it directly.

The mage smears the distance between a number of locations equal to the spell’s Potency, causing them to overlap temporarily. The mage must employ the Sympathetic Range Attainment to overlap locations outside of her sensory range.

Only mages using Active Mage Sight with Space can perceive the overlap, seeing it as a confusing jumble of translucent images constantly interpenetrating each other; to others within the affected areas everything seems normal. The spell’s Scale factor determines how large each overlapped area can be.

Each turn, as a Reflexive Action, anyone capable of perceiving the overlap may “move” an object, person, or other being she is touching (including herself, if desired) from one location to another, effectively teleporting it from place to place.
Those capable of seeing the overlap can touch things in any of the co-located areas, but can otherwise only interact with the location they are physically in. The other location counts as being viewed remotely for purposes of further spellcasting, and individuals may not attack people in different locations.

Objects cannot be teleported into other objects with this spell.

+1 Reach: The mage can make anything in the overlapped locations visible. She may specify any individual object or person, or just make an entire location appear as she wishes. The contents of locations remain insubstantial to one another, however anyone may “move” an object he can see over, not only individuals with Space senses.

+1 Reach: The mage can restrict the co-location to a two-dimensional plane, creating a stable portal between two locations. Anyone capable of perceiving the portal may pass through it. It is invisible by default, but by combining this with the aboveReach effect the mage may make it visible and useable by individuals without Space senses.

+1 Reach::: The mage may specify a Key needed to use the overlap.

+2 Reach: Individuals capable of perceiving the overlap may reflexively switch locations twice per turn.