Arcanum: Life
Practice: Veiling
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Stamina
Suggested Rote Skills: Medicine, Stealth, Subterfuge

The mage may alter her subject’s apparent features, albeit only cosmetically and temporarily.

She can change skin pigments, phenotypical features, apparent sex, or hair color and texture; add or subtract small fat deposits; or change the sound of the subject’s voice. Distinguishing features like scars and moles can be added or removed.

Even at its most extreme, the changes wrought by this spell still leave the subject somewhat resembling her original form.
If someone were to compare the masked and regular appearances side by side, they might notice an almost familial resemblance (even if the two are of obviously different races), but the changes are enough to fool facial recognition devices, sketch artists, or even change the subject’s scent enough to throw off tracking animals.

Some biometric devices, such as fingerprint scanners, will still detect the difference. She cannot mimic specific people with this basic spell.

The changes brought on by this spell are illusionary, and some supernatural powers (including Life Mage Sight) may see through them with a successful Clash of Wills.

+2 Reach: The mage can duplicate the appearance of a specific person, including scars and fingerprints.