Magic comes from experiencing and understanding the universe around you.

Mages specifically gain a different type of Beat called “Arcane Beats,” which become Arcane Experiences, alongside regular Beats.
Arcane Experiences help a mage achieve magical advancement.

Like with normal Beats, a few major criteria allow you to gain them. And like normal Beats, a given category can only net a single Beat per scene.

  • Any time you fulfil or make major headway into an Obsession, take an Arcane Beat.
  • Any time you resolve a Condition resulting from spellcasting, Paradox, or a magical effect, take an Arcane Beat instead of a normal one. Letting a spell causing a Condition expire does not count as resolving it.
  • When failing a spellcasting roll, you may make it a dramatic failure and take an Arcane Beat.
  • When your character risks an Act of Hubris against Wisdom, take an Arcane Beat.
  • When your character spends a scene being tutored in a Legacy by a mentor or tutoring her own students, take an Arcane Beat.
  • When your character has a meaningful and new encounter with the supernatural, at Storyteller discretion, you may take an Arcane Beat.