Arcanum: Space
Practice: Veiling
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Sympathy (Connection)
Suggested Rote Skills: Politics, Subterfuge, Survival

A magician’s sympathetic connections allow her to reach out beyond herself, but they are also an avenue by which her enemies can attack her.

This spell conceals one of the subject’s sympathetic links, chosen by the mage from those she is aware of.

Any attempt to uncover or use the link provokes a Clash of Wills.

+1 Reach: Rather than suppressing a sympathetic link, the mage may instead make the subject appear to have a link to someone or something else instead. Attempts to detect the link provoke a Clash of Wills to see through the deception.

+1 Reach: The spell prevents the subject from being used as a sympathetic Yantra as well as removing its links; each level of Potency reduces all potential uses of the subject as a Yantra from Material, to Representational, to Symbolic, to suppressing them entirely.

+2 Reach: The mage may suppress all the subject’s sympathetic links. This effect applies in both directions; not only does the subject lose his links to loved ones, but those people lose their links to him. The spell is Withstood by the strongest connection the subject has.