
Weaponry is the ability to fight with hand-to-hand weapons. A character with this Skill can wield knives, swords, baseball bats, or even things like a length of chain or a chainsaw.

  • If you are using a tool (other than a gun or bow) to do violence to someone, Weaponry is the appropriate Skill to use
  • While guns are generally more dangerous, there are definitely times when you do not have access to one
  • You can almost always find something that you can use as a hand weapon, even if it’s just something like a screwdriver or a broom handle


Sample Actions

  • Identify fighting style (Intelligence + Weaponry)
  • Impressive display (Dexterity + Weaponry)
  • Size up opponent (Wits + Weaponry)

Sample Specialties

  • Clubs
  • Duels
  • Improvised Weapons
  • Knives
  • Swords

Sample Contacts

  • Fencing Instructor
  • Gang Member
  • Western Martial Arts Enthusiast


Examples and descriptions of someone at each level

Novice (1 dot)

  • At this level, a character knows how to hold and swing a weapon properly, and understands the fundamentals of defence
  • She knows how to handle herself in a fight, and can hold her own when sparring

Professional (2 dot)

  • A character with this rank in Weaponry has excellent training or experience in a fight, and knows how to make sure an assailant is taken out of the fight efficiently

Experienced (3 dot)

  • A character with three dots in Weaponry can make a weapon out of almost any object
  • They could reasonably compete in tournaments or teach someone how to use their favoured weapon

Expert (4 dot)

  • A character at this rank is extremely dangerous with just about any hand-to-hand weapon, and can stand toe to toe with some of the best fighters in the world
  • She knows how to read a fight and handle herself against single or multiple opponents

Master (5 dot)

  • A character at this rank can actually perform the sort of feats action movie stars pretend to be capable