The character’s mind is addled by mind-altering substances, such as drink or drugs.

Effect: A generic narcotic can be represented with one set of modifiers: The character suffers a –2 modifier to Speed (and static Defence, if used) and a –3 penalty to all rolls in combat, including Defence and perception. The character also ignores wound penalties.

Causing the Tilt: If the character has chosen to take drugs, then he suffers the effects. To administer drugs to another character is a Dexterity + Weaponry attack, suffering a –1 modifier for the improvised weapon. If the drug has to go in to a specific body part (such as an arm or mouth), it requires an attack against a specified target.

Ending the Tilt: A generic narcotic lasts for 10 – (victim’s Stamina + Resolve) hours. This time is halved by medical help, such as pumping the victim’s stomach or flushing his system.