
_Almost everyone in the modern day can turn on a computer, use the internet, and perform basic searches. _

  • This Skill represents a character’s ability beyond that level.
  • Having the Computer Skill allows the character to develop programs, diagnose and repair major software and hardware problems, and perform more carefully focused and effective searches for data.
  • It can also be used for things like digging into a file system, finding hidden or encrypted files, cracking encryption, hacking into computer systems, or sabotaging computer networks.


Sample Actions

Sample Specialties

  • Data retrieval
  • Digital security
  • Hacking
  • Programming
  • UI design

Sample Contacts

  • AI researcher
  • Computer parts specialist
  • Hackers


Examples and descriptions of someone at each level

Novice (1 dot)

  • Basic grasp of programming
  • Can handle complicated searches
  • Can find and interpret basic hidden files
  • A character at this level has probably used computers more extensively than the average person

Professional (2 dot)

  • Entry level programmer
  • IT professional
  • Solid grasp of programming principles
  • Can perform elaborate computing tasks easily
  • Can hack unsecured networks and personal computers given time

Experienced (3 dot)

  • Extremely adept at finding information
  • Can uncover things hidden by skilled individuals
  • Can hack into files for companies with solid security
  • A character at this level has excellent training, talent, or has worked with computers for a long time

Expert (4 dot)

  • An expert in computer theory
  • Can find extremely obscure information by correlating data from multiple sources
  • Can track down just about anything in a computer’s system
  • Has the knowledge and patience to break into even government and military systems

Master (5 dot)

  • One of the best in the world
  • Works with cutting-edge technology
  • Can break into any system in the world
  • No information is safe from them
  • Can design and build programs to automate near-everything they need to do in a quick and efficient manner