Many Fate spells hex the subject, imposing a variety of negative effects upon them.

Hexes can impose one of the following effects:

Impose a dice penalty equal to Potency to all mundane actions the subject takes for a number of rolls equal to the Potency of the hex, or until the Duration expires.
With +2 Reach, this can include spellcasting rolls and the use of other supernatural powers.

Impose a number of the following Tilts equal to the Potency of the hex:
Arm Wrack
Knocked Down
Leg Wrack
This lasts for the Duration of the hex unless the subject resolves the Tilt sooner.

Impose a number of custom Tilts equal to the Potency of the hex for the Duration of the hex. These can be built using the rules for Generic Conditions.

The mage may also mix and match the above effects using Potency. So, a Potency 4 hex allows the mage to levy a penalty on the subject’s next two actions, as well as apply the Blinded and Leg Wrack Tilts.

Duplicate penalties and Tilts from hexes aren’t added together.
Only the worst has any effect, although a subject may labour under a penalty to all actions in addition to a penalty to specific actions due to a Tilt.
Arm Wrack, Blinded, Deafened, and Leg Wrack are exceptions to this, each of which can be applied twice for the more severe version of the Tilt (representing both arms, eyes, ears, or legs being affected).