Your arm burns with pain and then goes numb. It could be dislocated, sprained, or broken: whatever’s wrong with it, you can’t move your limb.

Effect: If your arm’s broken or otherwise busted, you drop whatever you’re holding in that arm and can’t use it to attack opponents — unless you’ve got the Ambidextrous Merit, you suffer off-hand penalties for any rolls that require manual dexterity. If this effect spreads to both limbs, you’re down to a chance die on any rolls that require manual dexterity, and –3 to all other Physical actions.

Causing the Tilt: Some supernatural powers can cripple a victim’s limbs or break bones with a touch. A character can have his arm knocked out by a targeted blow to the arm (–2 penalty) that deals more damage than the character’s Stamina. A targeted blow to the hand inflicts this Tilt if it does any damage.

Ending the Tilt: If the Tilt is inflicted as a result of an attack, mark an ‘x’ under the leftmost Health box inflicted in that attack; the Tilt ends when the damage that caused it has healed. If aggravated damage inflicts this Tilt, the character loses the use of his arm (or straight up loses his arm) permanently.