Arcanum: Forces
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Stamina
Suggested Rote Skills: Athletics, Survival, Science

The subject floats through the air using telekinetic force. Its air speed equals the spell’s Potency.

Subjects may use their Defence against attacks, if applicable. Unwilling subjects Withstand the spell with Stamina.

The mage may direct the subject’s levitation each turn as an Instant Action. If she fails to do so, the object simply remains afloat in mid-air, coming to a stop wherever it was when she stopped moving it.

+1 Reach: The subject retains momentum from turn to turn, floating slowly in whatever direction the mage initially directed it.

+1 Reach: The subject flies fluid and free. She instinctively creates the telekinetic force as she manoeuvres in mid-air, granting her incredible speed and manoeuvrability. The subject gains an air Speed equal to the mage’s Gnosis + the spell’s Potency. While airborne she can make a Dexterity + Athletics roll to avoid obstacles, gains her normal Defence against attacks, and can fly without exhausting herself as she would by running.