A Sleeper is, to put it bluntly, us. We are the Sleepers. We go to work every day, we stand in unemployment lines, we eat food, we wash our clothes. We sleep, we eat, and we never truly feel complete. Because we aren’t.

Sleepers are beset by The Lie, Quiescence, and Dissonance, all acting to keep them asleep and under control. Naïve.

Sleepers live in a veiled world, one covered by The Lie, and distorted to retain control over them and their lives. They live surrounded by lies:

  • You are powerless and small
  • You are greater than every other being
  • Your gender defines you
  • Race is real
  • There is nothing else out there
  • Don’t look around
  • Don’t look around
  • Don’t look.

A Sleeper is so saddled by the Lie of the world, by the endless tasks put upon them, that they cannot even think about Awakening. The dream is so disturbing it must be reality, and the Quiescence makes sure to keep it that way.

The Exarchs sculpt the world as the Seers subtly move pieces around just enough so that humanities nature is twisted and warped in the right ways to keep everyone asleep.

But some do wake up, some hear the faint call of some lost whisper, and they Awaken.