Arcanum: Forces
Practice: Fraying or Perfecting
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Athletics, Drive, Science

The mage can greatly increase or decrease an object’s velocity.

Its speed doubles or halves for each level of the spell’s Potency.

For example, a car traveling 50 KPH is increased to 200 KPH with Potency 2, or an incredible 800 KPH with Potency 4.

Likewise, if the mage reduces its speed, the same car would slow to about 13 KPH at Potency 2, or about 4 KPH with Potency 4.

The mage must be able to affect the target’s entire Size to affect it with this spell; she cannot target only the front tire of an 18-wheeler with its trailer (Size 30) and bring it to a stop.

The velocity change affects damage based on collisions. It also adds or subtracts one point of damage from projectile attacks and can reduce them to 0. The spell cannot reduce a moving object’s speed to 0 (that would require an Unmaking spell).