
Empathy is a character’s ability to read and understand others’ feelings and motivations.

  • It can represent careful observation of body language, tone, and other cues, or it could be an instinctive sense of which the character isn’t even entirely aware.
  • It can help the character detect deception or uncertainty, as well as discern her target’s mood
  • It does not inherently mean she is agreeing with or even behaving in a friendly fashion towards her target
  • The Empathy Skill is simply the ability to understand and work with the emotions that someone is feeling


Sample Actions

  • Determine intentions (Wits + Empathy)
  • Sense Deception (Wits + Empathy)
  • Soothe nerves (Manipulation + Empathy)

Sample Specialties

  • Buried Feelings
  • Calming
  • Emotions
  • Lies
  • Motives

Sample Contacts

  • Shoulder to Cry On
  • Police Profiler
  • Psych Student


Examples and descriptions of someone at each level

Novice (1 dot)

  • A character at this rank in Empathy regularly gets a “vibe” from people
  • They are often the source of stability or advice for her friends

Professional (2 dot)

  • The character might actually be a therapist or social worker
  • He can always tell when friends are keeping secrets or when something is bothering them, and excels at figuring out what it is

Experienced (3 dot)

  • With three dots in Empathy, a character can gain profound insights into another person’s feelings and behaviour, even strangers

Expert (4 dot)

  • This character can draw out even the most guarded people
  • Even tiny details of behaviour can be the clue to figuring out what someone wants

Master (5 dot)

  • Human behaviour is open book to this character
  • People often accuse her of being a mind reader