Arcanum: Prime
Practice: Making
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Resolve
Suggested Rote Skills: Empathy, Expression, Medicine

The mage imparts a holy mission upon her subject. For the Duration of the spell, the subject gains one of the mage’s Obsessions as his own.

If the subject is a mage who already has the maximum number of Obsessions allowed by her Gnosis, this spell triggers a Clash of Wills.
If the caster is successful, she replaces the subject’s most recently acquired Obsession with her own.

Even Sleepers, who normally only have Aspirations, gain an Obsession. Though they can’t generally spend Arcane Experiences, they still accrue them and may spend the Experiences if they ever Awaken.
Some mages believe Sleepers who have experienced the Mysteries are more likely to Awaken — empirical evidence, however, suggests that mental illness is more likely.

+1 Reach: The mage may create a wholly new Obsession rather than copy one of her own.