Armour provides protection against attacks, including bullets and knives.

Though most mages rely on their Mage Armour Attainments to protect them instead of physical armour, police officers and other law enforcement agencies rely on it, and some highly combatant mages wear it as well.

  • Ballistic armour applies to incoming firearms attacks. Each point of ballistic armour downgrades one point of damage from lethal to bashing.
  • General armour applies to all attacks. Each point of general armour reduces the total damage taken by one point, starting with the most severe type of damage.

If armour has both ballistic and general ratings, apply the ballistic armour first.
When applying armour to an attack dealing lethal damage, you always take at least one point of bashing damage from the shock of the blow.

Armour Chart

Reinforced Clothing1/0100Torso, arms, legs
Kevlar Vest (concealed)1/3100Torso
Flak Jacket2/41-10••Torso, arms
Full Riot Gear3/52-2-1•••Torso, arms, legs
Leather (hard)2/02-10Torso, arms
Chainmail3/13-2-2••Torso, arms
Plate4/23-2-3••••Torso, arms, legs
  • Rating: Armour provides protection against normal attacks and Firearms attacks. The number before the slash is for general armour, while the number after the slash is for ballistic armour.
  • Strength: If your character’s Strength is lower than that required for her armour, reduce her Brawl and Weaponry dice pools by –1.
  • Defence: The penalty imposed on your character’s Defence when wearing the armour.
  • Speed: The penalty to your character’s Speed when wearing the armour.
  • Availability: The cost in Resources dots or level of Social Merit needed to acquire the armour.
  • Coverage: The areas of a character protected by the armour. Wearing a helmet increases the armour’s coverage to include a character’s head.