Arcanum: Forces
Practice: Making
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Crafts, Survival, Science

The mage unleashes an earthquake to crack the ground.

This spell inflicts damage equal to its Potency to all structures within the affected area.

Most modern buildings are built to endure earthquakes well and subtract their Durability from the damage as normal.
Smaller or flimsier structures do not apply Durability to the damage at all.

Living beings may make a Dexterity + Athletics roll to maintain their balance as the ground pitches and heaves beneath them.
Failure means the character suffers bashing damage as she falls to the ground and is thrown about wildly, unless the fall sends her tumbling down stairs or over a ledge.

Collapsing buildings can cause much more catastrophic damage or leave victims trapped under tons of debris.