The gross Arcanum of the Aether governs the mightiest energies of the Fallen World.

General Description

Countless legends of wizards conjuring lightning to smite their foes, dancing among pillars of unnatural flame, flying, and directing storms against their foes speak to the presence of raw power Forces represents. With it a mage can alter and control light, sound, fire, and electricity — even gravity, radiation, and weather patterns.

Forces is rarely subtle, but clever wizards find ways to use it so: hearing a sound from across a room, deadening the noise spellcasting makes, or seeing great distances. Skilled practitioners of Forces can also unleash tornadoes, earthquakes, and devastating blasts of fire when subtlety gives way to quick anger.


  • Electricity
  • Gravity
  • Radiation
  • Sound
  • Light
  • Heat
  • Fire
  • Weather
  • Movement

Spell List

Initiate (1 Dot Arcana)

Apprentice (2 Dot Arcana)

Disciple (3 Dot Arcana)

Adept (4 Dot Arcana)

Master (5 Dot Arcana)