Arcanum: Death
Practice: Veiling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Subterfuge, Crafts, Medicine

The mage alters the appearance of a body to make it look different even under scrutiny.

She can cast the spell on a corpse, modifying its wounds and apparent time and cause of death completely.
She can make a charred corpse look as though it instead died of a heart attack, or a person who died in a car crash look as though he is the victim of a stab wound.

+1 Reach: The mage may cast Corpse Mask on a living subject which has at least one Health box filled with damage to alter the appearance of his injuries, making stab wounds look like bruises, or abrasions look like third-degree burns.

+1 Reach: The mage may completely change a corpses’ appearance, even allowing her to change its apparent age and sex.