Arcanum: Forces
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Academics, Survival, Science

The mage can control existing weather patterns.

She can force a light shower to become a thunderstorm, summon up fog on a clear morning, make a warm day into an unbearably hot one or conjure a cooling breeze.

Drastic changes from existing weather requireReach, as noted below.

The weather begins to change immediately upon casting the spell, with new systems taking shape within minutes.

This spell allows the mage to change or create weather-based Extreme Environments up to Level 4, as well as cause a wide variety of environmental Tilts. Potency determines the maximum amount by which an Extreme Environment can change, up to a maximum of Level 4 (and a minimum of level 0).

Listed below is an example set of Tilts possible for weather patterns, but it is by no means exhaustive. Note that without further spells, the mage is not immune to weather Tilts she creates.

+2 Reach: Required for more drastic changes.

  • Creating thick fog out of a sunny morning
  • Making a hot summer day turn to freezing rain
  • Clearing a blizzard into a cool but clear evening