Bone-chilling winds bite through the character, or trudging through knee-deep snow takes all of the sensation from his limbs.

Environmental Tilt

Any time the temperature gets down below 0 degrees Celsius, a character can suffer from the cold’s effects. This Tilt can sometimes be personal, either as a result of a medical Condition such as hypothermia or a supernatural power.

Effect: When the temperature is below freezing, characters can’t heal bashing damage — the extreme temperature deals damage at the same rate normal characters heal it (a cut might turn to frostbite, for instance). Supernatural beings and characters who heal faster than normal instead halve their normal healing rate. For every hour that a character is continuously affected by this Tilt, he accrues a –1 penalty to all rolls. When that penalty hits –5 dice, he instead suffers one point of lethal damage per hour.

Causing the Tilt: A character can suffer this Tilt from being in a frozen environment — whether he’s outside in the Arctic tundra or in a walk-in freezer. Inflicting the Tilt is reasonably straightforward: Throw the victim into a freezing lake or lock him in a freezer for long enough and he’ll develop hypothermia.

Ending the Tilt: The best way to escape the freezing cold is to find a source of warmth — either a building with working heating, or warm bundled clothing. A character who has hypothermia requires medical attention.