The ground’s covered in a mirror-smooth layer of ice that sends wheels spinning and people’s feet flying out from under them. The ice could be so thin as to be nearly invisible or a thick layer that’s the only thing keeping the characters from sinking into a frozen lake.

Environmental Tilt

Effect: When a character can’t trust her footing, divide her Speed in half and all Physical rolls (and Defence) suffer a –2 penalty. Attempting to move at full Speed increases the Physical penalty to –4. Any dramatic failure on a Physical roll inflicts the Knocked Down Tilt.

Causing the Tilt: This Tilt doesn’t just apply to icy conditions, but to any surface that’s slick and slippery, including a spill of industrial lubricant or just a really well-polished wooden or linoleum floor. Characters can use a Dexterity + Crafts roll to cover an area in industrial cleaner or mix up cleaning chemicals into a lubricant. If the Extreme Cold Tilt is in effect, even covering the area with water would do the trick.

Ending the Tilt: “Get off the ice” is good advice, but that can take work. Characters can use heat or fire to melt ice, or throw down copious quantities of salt or grit to increase traction.