Arcanum: Mind
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Resolve
Suggested Rote Skills: Expression, Intimidation, Subterfuge

The mage employs limited telepathic projections.

She can send simple commands through thoughts and emotions to her subject through a mental link, but not full sentences or complex ideas.

The ideas form urges and desires within the subject that he is compelled to act upon even against his will as long as the spell remains active.

The commands must be simple, one-word orders — such as to sleep, eat, sit, or defend. The intention of the command is sent to the subject along with the thoughts and emotions.

The subject knows that the ideas are not originating from himself, though he does not necessarily know where they are coming from. These communications can be used to project emotions with Emotional Urging.

+1 Reach: The mage is capable of taking control of her subject, forcing him to take actions against his will. The mage can force the subject to perform one task. The task can be as complex or simple as the mage desires, giving the subject detailed mental instructions on how to go about completing the task. She cannot force the subject to act in a way that would put him in serious danger, or to commit suicidal acts.

+2 Reach: The mage must spend one Mana when casting the spell. As with +1Reach above, but the mage can force her subject to take any kind of action without limitations. For example, the mage could direct her victim to shoot himself in the head, or to run into a burning building.