Mages from many different Consilia send representatives to the host Consilium to exchange information and forge friendships and alliances with Awakened of other regions.

To prevent Consilia from becoming too isolated from one another, the Silver Ladder works to organize regular Convocations.
The smallest Convocations cover the overlapping territories of one Caucus from each of the five Orders, the largest gather attendees from all over a continent. The Silver Ladder has long spoken of organizing a Grand Convocation open to mages from every Consilium in the world, but this has never materialized.

Convocations tie the Orders together; they’re where the leaders of Caucuses confer with one another (even if it’s via representatives) and set the agenda for their own parts of the Orders. Convocations also act as courts of appeal for those dissatisfied with the ruling of their local Consilium.
These gatherings likewise make excellent opportunities to meet members of Legacies who might be willing to induct a new student. Even the Free Council makes use of Convocation, as the Order’s attempts to build national- and international-scale Assemblies have not yet born fruit

While an inexperienced mage who is nonetheless lauded for her Wisdom can be Hierarch, and anyone may speak at Assembly, Convocations are run by a committee of Magisters. Any Pentacle mage attending Convocation who can prove complete mastery of an Arcanum has the right to be a Magister.