
Politics represents a character’s knowledge of political bodies, figures, and issues.

  • It helps a character to navigate bureaucracies and play the political game to get what he wants.
  • He knows how to follow the money and how to play rivals off each other.
  • A character with this knowledge may have run for office, worked for the government, or may simply be a follower of local politics.


Sample Actions

  • Identify authority (Wits + Politics)
  • Navigate bureaucracy (Resolve + Politics)
  • Mudslinging (Manipulation + Politics)

Sample Specialties

  • Bureaucracy
  • Local Politics
  • National Politics
  • Scandals
  • Specific Political Party

Sample Contacts

  • Personal Assistant to the Governor
  • Political Blogger
  • Union Leader


Examples and descriptions of someone at each level

Novice (1 dot)

  • This character knows the issues, both major and minor, and follows important players in the political sphere
  • They also know some of the people behind the scenes
  • He could be an insightful amateur blogger, or simply an exceptionally tuned in voter.

Professional (2 dot)

  • A character at this level knows how to work within the system, and understands the official organizational structure very well
  • Low-level bureaucrats and lobbyists generally have this level of the Politics Skill

Experienced (3 dot)

  • At this rank, a character knows a great deal about political figures, who their allies are, and what issues they care about
  • He could easily be a mover and shaker himself, someone who can shape political agendas behind the scenes

Expert (4 dot)

  • The character is a master at dealing with all sorts of political structures.
  • She understands not only the official structure, but who is actually in charge, and where to apply pressure to accomplish her goals, often without anyone being aware of her manipulations of the system

Master (5 dot)

  • The character knows all the players, what they really want, and where the bodies are buried.