Fire automatically inflicts lethal damage per turn of exposure (no attack roll is required).

The damage inflicted depends on both the size and intensity of the flames.

Size of FireDamage
Heat of FireModifier
Bunsen Burner2
Chemical Fire and Molten Metal3

So, a fire the size of a bonfire (2) and with the intensity of a torch (+1) inflicts three lethal damage per turn of contact.

In general, if exposure to fire persists for more than a turn, it ignites anything combustible. A burning character continues to take full damage, even if he escapes the original source of the flame. Depending on the accelerator involved, the size of a fire can be reduced by one level per turn by means such as a hose or extinguisher.
The Storyteller may rule that a fire goes out immediately under some circumstances (local oxygen is removed with a controlled explosion or your character is completely immersed in water). Or, a fire could continue to burn despite efforts to put it out — such as with a grease fire when water is poured on it.

Most armour can block its general rating in fire damage automatically for a number of turns equal to that rating.