Arcanum: Mind
Practice: Perfecting
Primary Factor: Duration
Cost: Variable
Withstand: Rank
Suggested Rote Skills: Persuasion, Socialise, Occult

The mage sends out a call to the nearest Goetia within her sensory range.

Conversely she can summon Goetia she knows personally.

She may send a general call and the nearest Goetia will answer, or she can specify the type of entity by its Resonance.
The spell does not work on Goetia above Rank 5.

Add Spirit •• or Death ••: The entity gains the Materialized Condition for the Duration of the spell.

+1 Reach: The spell also creates the Open Condition on the area, even if it does not match the Goetia’s Resonance.

+1 Reach: The mage may give the Goetia a single, one-word command to follow. The Goetia is not compelled to complete a task if it cannot finish the command before the Duration of the spell elapses.

+1 Reach: If in a place from which she could meditate into the Astral, the mage can summon Goetia from her own Oneiros, or the Oneiros of another subject. Summoning aspects of one’s own soul is dangerous, but rewarding — the subject loses the part of his personality the Goetia represents while it is in the material world. The mage must pay as much Mana as she would need to enter The Astral Realms from her current location.

+2 Reach: As above, but the mage can summon Goetia from the Temenos.

+3Reach: As above, but the mage can summon Goetia from the Anima Mundi.

+2 Reach: The mage may give the Goetia a complex command to follow. The command must be a single task, but the mage can describe the task within a sentence or two.