Arcanum: Fate
Practice: Unravelling
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Subject effect’s Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Academics, Empathy, Survival

A powerful Witch can aid a hero who labours under a curse, but her remedies often demand strange rituals or arduous quests.

This spell can dispel a supernatural effect enforced by the dictates of destiny, including Awakened spells, by Patterning Fate to provide a means by which the subject can escape his curse.

While the subject remains under the effects of Atonement, she must complete a task determined by the caster.

Minor curses (1-2 dots) require a minor quest (bathing in a nearby river, donating a small sum to charity, etc.).

Moderate curses (3-4 dots) require a medial quest (reading a rare book available in another city’s library, removing all the graffiti in a neighbourhood, etc.).

Major curses (5+ dots) demand major quests (undertaking a months-long pilgrimage, recovering an artifact that has been missing for centuries, etc.).

Especially powerful curses, such as those levied by ephemeral entities of Rank 6 or more, will often demand more elaborate tasks to break.

+1 Reach: The quest can be undertaken on the subject’s behalf by another person who wishes to champion her. If the subject is unwilling, this spell is Withstood with Resolve.