Arcanum: Life
Practice: Making
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Medicine, Occult, Science

Life Masters can unleash horrific plagues on their foes. The mage can create minor sicknesses or life-threatening diseases.

The Severity of the disease is equal to Potency.

If the mage has something in which she can store the disease, she can create it within that equipment, or else she must target some form of carrier, depending on the disease’s transmission methods (water, food, living hosts).
It’s contagious as soon as the mage creates it, requiring a reflexive Stamina + Resolve roll, modified by the Severity, to resist contracting it.
Failure means the victim contracts the disease and suffers its normal effects.

+1 Reach: The caster may create a new disease with new characteristics and loose it upon the world. This is almost always an Act of Hubris. Because no living creature could have possibly encountered the disease and developed any resistance to it, all contested rolls to resist contracting it or fight its effects suffer a –5 penalty.