Arcanum: Fate
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Empathy, Occult, Science

The mage can Pattern Fate to manipulate complex probabilities within the spell’s subject or area of effect.

This spell allows the mage to dictate any physically possible outcome within the bounds of the spell’s subject, no matter how unlikely.

The spell cannot create supernatural effects, but within the bounds of improbability the mage can cause a number of effects equal to Potency, such as:

  • Create a narrative effect such as controlling how vehicles behave in a multiple-car crash.
  • By directing once-random biochemical changes within a subject, cause seizures, hallucinations, and physical events, imposing suitable Conditions such as Blind or Disabled.
  • The mage reduces a subject’s next action to a chance die
  • Attack a subject by directing chance around them, or protect a subject from dangerous circumstances; this is not a direct-attack spell, and should use any rules for the hazard.