Arcanum: Prime
Practice: Unveiling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Academics, Occult, Survival

While her senses are open to this spell, the subject can clearly perceive Ley Lines and Nodes.

Depending on the caster’s Path and Nimbus, she might see them as beams of golden light meeting at shining Platonic solids, electric-blue rivers pooling into lakes, or strains of music building into a mighty symphony.

If there are no Ley Lines or Nodes within sensory range, the subject feels a tugging sensation toward the nearest Ley or Node.

+1 Reach: The mage’s perceptions expand to tell her when a node sits atop a Hallow.

Add Death • or Spirit •: The mage’s senses are also attuned to the presence of Avernian Gates or Loci, respectively. Other Arcana may reveal stranger sacred spaces, as well.