Arcanum: Life
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Resolve
Suggested Rote Skills: Animal Ken, Survival, Persuasion

The mage can create a magical lure or repellent for specific types of organisms.

While the mage could in theory specify any type of organism, she is likely to be quickly overwhelmed by numbers.
When casting this spell as a lure, a smart mage will specify only certain types of organisms (not microscopic ones, if she’s smarter still) to draw to her.

Plants and microorganisms have Resolve 0 for purposes of Withstanding the spell.

Organisms drawn in are not necessarily friendly and will remain cautious or even hostile if it is within their nature to do so, but will not openly attack the subject unless cornered.

People affected by the spell find the subject irresistible or repugnant, but can’t pinpoint just what it is that provokes the reaction.

Repelling a type of organism means that such creatures must Withstand the spell’s effect to enter the area of effect Scale factor.
The spell doesn’t so much physically repel the creature as trigger an instinctive aversion to the area, like animals fleeing a region before disaster strikes.

+1 Reach: The lured creatures prove benign toward the subject and will offer food or small favours as appropriate.

+1 Reach: Lured intelligent creatures treat the subject as having a good (lure) or bad (repel) first impression for purposes of Social manoeuvring.